Meet Denise Summers

She’s an expert writer who will help you tell your story.

Preserve your personal legacy.

Capture your corporate legacy.

Share your business story.

Capture your story in a beautiful book. – Denise


Personal Legacy Book

Overwhelmed by the thought of doing it all on your own? Not to worry.

Preserve your personal legacy.


Corporate Legacy Book

Worried you’ll miss the opportunity to preserve what you’ve learned?

Preserve your corporate legacy.


Business Storytelling

Need to take your business to the next level with your story?

Stand out in the marketplace.

Work with Denise to share your personal or business story.

Our clients want their books to be written, edited and designed to the same top quality as commercially sold books.

Your book will be completed to the highest standard for your colleagues, your family and your friends. It will be a book that you’ll be proud to publish and share with the world.


Have you ever travelled in a foreign city without a map or GPS? It can be fun for a while, but unless you enjoy driving in circles or hitting dead ends frequently, it’s not effective. Writing a book without a foundation is the same. It will get you nowhere.


Not everyone has the time to write a book. Or the writing skills. Our skilled ghostwriters capture your voice and tell your story. We bring your ideas to life on the page. No one will ever know you didn’t write your book unless you tell them.


Writing a book, especially for a first-time author, can be overwhelming. How do you start, and maintain momentum and what if you have problems? For aspiring and experienced writers, we offer guidance and accountability to get you to that last page.


Maximize the impact of your book. Unless your book is for family and friends only, you’ll need to promote sales. From traditional promotions and PR to digital campaigns, we help you target your audience, build a following and sell books.


Share your book with a small circle or with the world. We manage the entire process, from editing to designing the covers and laying out the interior pages to liaising with a printer for hard copies to uploading your book to a book distributor.


Writing your book bestows instant credibility and establishes you as an expert. Establish yourself as a thought leader in your field. We offer customized strategies and campaigns to connect you with the media, events, and influencers.


An amphora is used to preserve wines, delicacies, and scrolls. We can think of no better metaphor for what we do in preserving memories for generations to come.